GUIDELINES 1. Rambling for enthusiasts in the Crewe & Nantwich area of South Cheshire. Members take part in Club activities at their own risk. freeserve. 45. We had three fantastic walks in Church Stretton today. Copies will also be circulated on coach walks prior to the AGM. Please make cheques payable to: ‘Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club’. 70th Anniversary of our Club - October 2016 - Suggestions from members to mark this Event are welcomed. Crewe on 17th June was well attended by both members of this club and PALLGO as well as many friends and well wishers. (Cheques payable to Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club please) * includes 10 Pounds Coach Fare To pay by Bank Transfer/Standing Order - Use Sort Code 20-24-09 A/C No 43880524. WALK PLANNING FOR LEADERS. CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB. 08. Club Late Spring 2010 Holiday - Gilsland, Brampton, Cumbria - Organised by Grace Harding 10th-14th May 2010. Membership; History; Walks. Walk Planning is a practical skill and as such there is no substitute for practice and experience. Sacred Orchard, Nantwich. Walk Location. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. 00 – Crewe, 08. A and H F. If you wish to come, please pay a deposit of £5 to Judith, by 31 March 2023 and complete the form here. 1 July. 15am). Crewe. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. Here are some links to other sites which you may find useful. Get started. CHA HF Rambling Club. Email: [email protected] Late Spring 2010 Holiday - Gilsland, Brampton, Cumbria - Organised by Grace Harding 10th-14th May 2010. Our next coach walk is scheduled to be Cannock Chase, on 19 March 2023. The walks are generally about 3 miles long in the Cheshire/Staffordshire countryside and are ideal for newcomers to walking. Contact the studio. Possibly you may offer to lead providing the alternative walk (A, B or C) in a location already. CREWE and Nantwich Rambling Club will be walking in the Bakewell area of Derbyshire on Sunday, May 22. Menu. 1. Cheques payable to Crewe &Nantwich Rambling club (£22 per person, incl Coach fare) Bank Transfers to Acc No:43880524 Sortcode: 20 24 09CREWE and Nantwich Rambling Club will now be walking around the Corwen/Llangollen area on Sunday instead of the programmed walk at Llanarmon. they do not consttute formal . This will be an aproximately 4 mile walk, led by Graham Grocott. Crewe and District Philatelic Society. Our Thursday walks take place about every 4 weeks, and are followed by a lunch. She. 2006 START RAMBLE LEADER. 2006 START RAMBLE LEADER. This holiday is fully booked but extra rooms may be available at short notice, contact Grace for further information. Newcomers are encouraged to have a go, start with easy walks in relatively 'safe' locations and build on your own experiences. date. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. (Cheques payable to Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club please) * includes 10 Pounds Coach Fare To pay by Bank Transfer/Standing Order - Use Sort Code 20-24-09 A/C No 43880524We had three great walks, on Sunday 16 April, 2023, when we visited Bakewell. PLEASE MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB-----Items from 4th March Committee Meeting Paul Tudor was elected as Vice-Chairman. Club Late Spring 2010 Holiday - Gilsland, Cumbria - Organised by Grace Harding 10th-14th May 2010. RAMBLING WITH THE CREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB. This will be a Nantwich start, picking up at Nanwich at 8. 00 to place order and phone Marilyn (01270 661640) to confirm attendance. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. an advert on behalf of the Club, e. point. Crewe Works 180 Exhibition. The walks are generally about 3 miles long in the Cheshire/Staffordshire countryside and are ideal for newcomers to walking. 00 pm start. Are you interested in participating in Club Holidays (UK & Abroad) YES or NO - Please circle Please return to the Membership Secretary - Marie Leeke, 15 Westgate Park, Hough CW2 5GY PLEASE MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUBMINUTES OF THE CREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB 72nd ANNUAL AGM Date: Monday 25th February 2019 @ 19. AGM 2016 - the date and place are confirmed as 24th February at St Luke’s Hall, Willaston. 2023 Calendar; Club Holidays; Gallery; News; Admin. Rambling for enthusiasts in the Crewe & Nantwich area of South CheshireCrewe & Nantwich Rambling Club – 1946 – 2006 - Crewe and. CREWE and Nantwich Rambling Club will be walking around the Llangollen area on Sunday, September 11. 00Crewe And Nantwich Gymnastics And Fitness Centre, Crewe. Date Destination Leader; 01/06/23: The Swan, Wybunbury CW5 7NA: Kath Coleman and Brenda Farrall: 29/06/23: Church Street, Tarvin, either CH3 8EB , right hand side of the road or CH3 8NA, left hand side of the road. New Members who join in the first 6 months of the Membership Year shall be required to pay the full Membership [email protected] - Nantwich C Joan Yarwood. Travel by coach to Wales, Shropshire, Derbyshire and sometimes even further with pick-ups at Nantwich, Wistaston & Crewe and choose from easy, medium or hard walks of. (Cheques payable to Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club please) To pay by Bank Transfer/Standing Order - Use Sort Code 20-24-09 A/C No 43880524 Please include your name(s) as reference. uk It is with regret that we report the recent death of Bridget Fisher, a longstanding member of the Club and ex-CommitteeVisit the post for more. Chamois Weekend 18th - 20th September 2009- A booking form for this year’s. Media. 00pm on a Thursday evening as detailed below. (Cheques payable to Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club please) * includes 10 Pounds Coach Fare To pay by Bank Transfer/Standing Order - Use Sort Code 20-24-09 A/C No 43880524. We will leave Grassmere 6pm, to get back around 8. The Minutes Secretary of the Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club is responsible for keeping the minutes of items discussed and debated during Club Committee meetings and the AGM. 45. Author Bill Pearson Posted on May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023 Leave a comment on Welcome to Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club Last Walk – Grasmere. A number of members of the club were involved in both an interview session near to Summer Trees on 17th August and a walk-by session at. Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to remember 5 of our long standing members who we lost during 2015:-RITA MURRAY Rita was the last surviving founder member of the club. 45am C Pick-up = Crewe Prince Albert Street - opposite the Library 8. They walked out of the town, alongside a disused [email protected]. EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian. Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club – 1946 – 2006 - Crewe and. Our 2023 calendar of walks, meetings etc. Please make cheques payable to: ‘Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club’. 45amVisit the post for more. Walk “A” 12 miles – Phil Mellor We started at the Pavilion Gardens and walked out of the town to reach the main A5004 road. Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club – 1946 – 2006 - Crewe and. Gallery;. Return this form to Richard Farrall, Membership Member, 14 Sandford Road, Nantwich CW5 6HD. CREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUBWALKS PROGRAMME WINTER/SPRING 2012. John Fuller, 11 Meadowvale Close, Nantwich. Tel: 01270 668135. A. However the guidelines are very general and will apply to most walks anywhere and with any group. 60 years old on 13th October 2016 'Winnie Jenkins was a typist in the Crewe 1st District Tax Office, and a member of the Chester Rambling Club. Some of us belong to local walking clubs, but others are free spirits!. 5 Chairman’s ReportCREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB. SUMMER/AUTUMN 2006. On Sunday 15 May 2023 we visited Church Stretton – Shropshire’s “Little Switzerland”. Meet at 12. To-date, thirty eight members are booked on the holiday. moving to Wrenbury with my husband, Roy. In order to maintain it in pristine condition, Burland have stipulated that all rucksacks and boot bags must be stored. On Sunday May 12th the Crew and Nantwich Rambling Club enjoyed a pleasant walk around Ramsbottom near Bury Ramsbottom is situated on the course of the River Irwell in the West Pennine Moors. Thomason & K. WALK PLANNING FOR LEADERS. By clicking the sign-up button you agree to our. Meet at 12. 45am Grades: 'A' Walks. 15: B: PETE WINBY: C: BARBARA WATERS: Aug 5: N: PENDLE HILL/BARLEY,. Nowell. We will leave Grassmere 6pm, to get back around 8. 15am). (Cheques payable to Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club please) * includes 10 Pounds Coach Fare To pay by Bank Transfer/Standing Order - Use Sort Code 20-24-09 A/C No 43880524Paul Tudor 14 Burjen Way, Crewe, CW1 3TP Please make cheques payable to: ‘Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club’ SKITTLES EVENING - BICKERTON POACHER 5TH OCTOBER 2012We had three great walks, on Sunday 19th February 2023, when we visited Much Wenlock, in Shropshire. B Harry Nottingham. CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB - COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM - 2016/17 Please return to the Correspondence Secretary at least one week prior to the AGMCREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB ARCHIVES . Persons take part in all club activities at their own risk. The A Walk was led by Yvonne Mason. LATEST NEWSLETTER July 2022 PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS June 2022 March 2022 January 2022 November 2021 September 2021. B Harry Nottingham. CREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB EMERGENCY PROCEDURES DISCLAIMER- The aim of these notes is to provide guvdance only. LOCAL RADIO FOR CREWE & NANTWICH. Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club. The choice of location may be a favorite area, a new location inspired by a guide book or magazine article or recommended by a friend. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club host Sunday and Thursday morning walks throughout the year. Membership; History; Walks. Nowell. CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB - COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM - 2016/17 Please return to the Correspondence Secretary at least one week prior to the AGMClub Spring 2008 Holiday - Cricci-eth, North Wales - Organised by Grace Harding. More walks will be added soon. If you wish to come, please pay a deposit of £5 to Judith, by 31 March 2023 and complete the form here. Black swans. July 9 Nantwich Compsall A Pete Winby. Alternatively plan a walk with the help of a more. Northwich 23 12 2009. The Tree & Plaque are located on the Crewe/Nantwich Greenway down from theChristmas Dinner - Crewe Golf Club, Haslington - 21st December 2018 - Booking form is attached to this newsletter,. On Sunday 28 May 2023 we visited Hope, in Derbyshire. About. Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club – 1946 – 2006 - Crewe and. CREWE AND NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB WALK ROUTES. Tel: 01270 624052. Dogs are not allowed on any walks. We start at Ambleside with a steady climb with some rocky sections which require concentration with foot placement. Membership; History; Walks. This coordination includes but is not restricted to the following: Issuing on each Sunday. co. Mid Cheshire Footpaths Society. . 30 am, Nantwich 8. For further information about Walking/Rambling, have a look at the following links: The Ramblers Association The Countryside Agency Walking in England - a new web site with FREE downloadable routes Walking in Cheshire Pub walks in CheshireThis will require an early coach pick up (at Nantwich 8am, and Crewe at 8. July 9 Nantwich Compsall A Pete Winby. PROGRAMME FOR SUMMER/AUTUMN 2009. On Sunday 15 May 2023 we visited Church Stretton – Shropshire’s “Little Switzerland”. Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club Newsletter - January 2005 General Information Walks Activities Footnote: To receive your newsletter by e-mail, please e-mail your request to - bryan. Updated: N Pick-up = Nantwich Civic Hall Bus Station 8. Please make cheques payable to: ‘Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club’-----As this is the last Newsletter of 2014, the Committee wish all our Members & their families a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year First Aid - The Club has been made aware of FREE First Aid courses run by Wishing Well at Eagle Bridge. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. Title: c&n ramblers newsletter NOVEMBER 2022v3 Author: EMAIL Created Date:Welcome to the official site of Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. Meet, catch-up & reminisce - The Committee are aware that some of our members are not able to participate in club walks at present and are missing the interaction with active members. C Brian Arthurs. Membership; History; Walks. She broke away from the Chester Rambling Club and got some. We are not hiring a coach, and so walkers will be required to make their own way to the walk start location similarly to the Thursdays Walks. The deposit will be non-refundable if the coach. Walks. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club Group Holiday To Austria ( 17 Club Members) 15th - 22nd June 2016. Vale Royal 31 03 2010'Welcome to the 69th Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club AGM – It is good to see you here. 00 – Crewe, 08. A number of members of the club were involved in both an interview session near to Summer Trees on 17th August and a walk-by session at. Walks Activities Evening Walks - A very successful programme well sup-ported by members and non-members. CW5 5YB no later than 31st July 2010. PROGRAMME FOR WINTER/SPRING 2009. We have now rebuilt our website on the original server, so please book mark this page: as the other (temporary website) with adverts will eventually be closed down. in south cheshire. 30 At the Leopard Pub, London Road. CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM 2019/20 Current subscriptions - Adult £10. 06 01 2010. 00Club Autumn 2010 Holiday - Llanrindod Wells - Powys Organised by Phil & Jan Boulton 4th - 8th October 2010. This will be a Nantwich start at 8. Menu. Skip to content Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. The A Walk was about 13 miles and was led by Marlene Flannery. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club’s 70th Anniversary Walk. Mankind Arise. Future Club Weekends/Breaks - The Committee is also looking at the possibility of a European break for Spring 2009. CREWE & NANTWICH RAMBLING CLUB - COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM - 2016/17 Please return to the Correspondence Secretary at least one week prior to the AGMClub Web Site. She broke away from the Chester Rambling Club and got. Type of Walk. Congleton Ramblers Group. Crewe & Nantwich Rambling Club Newsletter - July 2006“The club reserves the right to withdraw membership from any member who does not abide by the rules and etiquette. We will have three full day excursions and walks, and two days where members can make their. New Members who join in the first 6 months of the Membership Year shall be required to pay the full Membership Fee. 30pm. Design a site like this with WordPress. July 5 Nantwich Buxton A Cliff Walker. Crewe and Nantwich Rambling Club. 30, with pickups along Nantwich Road and picking up at Nantwich at 8. Club Autumn 2008 Holiday - Tros-sachs, Scotland 23rd - 27th SeptemberGet this The Crewe Chronicle page for free from Thursday, June 30, 1983 Crewe and Nantwich Amenities Dept Sports and entertainment facilities available for general public individual and club hire. News Advertisement Features Local.